Thursday 11 August 2016


 Here is a link to the Nerve trailer:
Nerve is a mystery/crime film centered around young teenagers. Pressured by her friends, a girl named Vee decided to join an online game that challenges players to accept a series of dares. The film stares Emma Roberts and Dave Franco. 

The trailer begins with a camera zoom of an apple laptop with a girl behind the computer. We can see that the girl has blonde hair which stereotypes wealth and beauty. We can see in the background of the zoom, that she is in a bedroom as there are photographs around, a bed, curtains and girl-bedroom accessories. As the camera zooms into the laptop, it then zooms out again, but this time at a wider angle. Here, we can see that she is wearing a black and white striped top which makes her seem like an ordinary, standard teenage girl. We then hear a non-diegetic voice of "Welcome to Nerve". The voice is deep, sounds slighted pix-elated almost like a robot is speaking. This sets the idea that the film is very modern and up to date, which intrigues the audience into the mystery and secrecy genre of the film. As this is stated, computerised images of a laptop are shown on the screen. This is supposed to show what the young girl is looking at on her computer, so that the audience can see what is going on. The voice then goes on to say "A game like TRUTH, or DARE..." As the words are spoken,"Truth" comes onto the screen in a bold, green font. Green holds connotations with poison and mystery which engages the audience into the genre of the film. The font fills up the frame of the screen which makes the audience view the text and interpret it it on a much stronger level. In addition to this, a larger font could suggest that it is a significant moment in the trailer. "DARE" is then projected onto the screen in the same way, but this time in a dark purple colour. Dark purple usually connotes evil, which adds a dramatic suspense to the audience, which might suggest that the game might not be as all good as it seems. Through a fade, the we are presented with ordinary people on a tube/subway on their tablets/phones and laptops. The camera is panning between each person which makes it seem like the characters are all linked together. Over the top of this, we hear the same robotic voice saying "Players play to watch,players play to win, cash and glory, are you a watcher or a player?". This suggests that the people on their devices are playing the game, which suggests that it can be easily accessible to anyone of any age, and is a fun game which brings everyone together in a social community. The camera then shows quick cuts of people doing different things. Firstly, we see a medium shot of four people jumping off a cliff. The cliff is extremely tall and slighting daunting, which suggests that the game can involve unsettling dares that players may find hard to accomplish. The second shot shows a close up shot of a man holding onto the back of a van as the van is moving. He is holding his camera/phone in the other hand, which means that he is holding onto the vehicle with only one hand, which again, adds a dangerous vibe to the trailer, which creates suspense to the audience. The fact that the male is holding the camera, could suggest that you have to prove and justify your actions to the game in order to win the prize (money.) We then see a video clip from a guys camera/phone again, but this time its a different male. He is heading towards a guy in the street and then steals this guys wallet. This suggests that the game involves illegal activity which helps to fit the crime conventions. It adds suspense to the audience as they will want to know what will happen if the guy gets caught or not. Again, the male is recording what he is doing which suggests that you need to justify and prove what you're doing to the game in order to win. At this point, the robotic voice repeats the same sentence in which it becomes quicker and quicker and quicker. The sentence states "Are you a watcher or a player? Are you a watcher or a player? Are you a watcher or a player?" ( and so on, until you can only hear the word "Player.) This creates the idea of a dramatic climax towards the audience. It makes the actions seem intense, and that someone needs to make a decision to weather they want to play the game or not. The camera then jump cuts to an extreme close up shot of the same girl on her computer. The shot only shows her eyes which suggests that she is watching all the action extremely closely, demonstrating that she is considering to play the game. The fact that the camera jump cuts straight to her, suggests to the audience that all the previous footage shown is what she has been looking at on her computer.

 We then see the girl tap the selection of "player" which suggests that she has come to a conclusion that she will play the game. However, she does states diegetically "This looks kinda sketchy, is this even legal?" as shes on facetime/a video call to her friend, to which she replies "I know, it's cool right?" This suggests to the audience that she is being peer pressured by her friends to play the game.  The screen then cuts into the main action of the trailer. We see a close up shot of the girl, with a friend of hers looking into her phone. This shot is extremely effective as a way of involving the audience. The girl is looking into her camera phone, which is actually the whole of our screen that the audience can see. This makes the audience seem like they are part of the game as well, and that you go on a journey with the characters. This is a highly unique and successful way to engage the audience into the film. We can see on the screen that it says "Kiss a stranger for five seconds, with a $100 dollar sign underneath, suggesting that if you accomplish this dare, then you win $100. This seems like a lot of money for a simple and non-dangerous task, which would make the girl seem like this game is actually okay as there is no harmful dares being said... yet. The camera then tracks the girls movement into a bar, where her posture seems nervous and on edge. Her friend that is with her says "Just kiss that guy".The camera then goes into a medium, low angle shot of her hesitating whether to kiss him or not. The guy is slouched into a sofa in the bar, with a newspaper covering his face. As the girl leans in to kiss the guy, he moves the newspaper down and smiles and then the girl kisses him. The soundtrack here now becomes a lot more sped up, which could link to how the girl is feeling about kissing a stranger. 

The trailer then shows that these two strangers end up working together. The guy invites the girl onto his motorbike to complete the next dare, which is "Go with him to the city for $200". The girl claims that she wouldn't make a very good partner while he is the complete opposite, saying that it will be fun and an adventure. She decided to get on the motorbike and they both go around the city meeting new people and completing new dares. We see a medium two shot of both the characters in an underground garage typed place. The lighting here is low key which creates a ominous atmosphere. Motorbikes are seen as dangerous and thug like, which conforms to the crime genre. The girl is wearing jeans and a baseball jacket which makes her seem laid back and ordinary. The motorbike is large, with blue inner decoration on the tires. The motorbike makes the guy seem intriguing and mysterious to the audience but also a tad dangerous as well.  The camera then divides into two, with the top screen showing a long shot of the motorway. We can see that it is night time, as all the cars have there lights on. The music here is fast paced and thrilling which corresponds with how the girl is feeling on the motorbike. On the bottom half of the screen we see a close up shot of the girl screaming on the back of the motorbike. This suggests to the audience that she is feeling excited and thrilled that she is going out and completing the dares with a new guy on a motorbike. The screen then fades to a long shot of the girl in the street. The use of the long shot, makes her seem smaller and therefore more vulnerable. Her phone bleeps, and the game is now daring her to try on a dress. The prize is now $300, so unsurprisingly, she accepts the dare. Her and the guy go on a hunt to find the dress, in which, eventually they find it. An extreme close up shot is shown, of the label of the dress. The dress costs $3,5000, but she only needs to try it on, and so she does. As she is in the changing room, her phone then goes off again. Through an over the shoulder shot, the audience can then see that the game is daring her to "Leave the store" for $400. The camera then shows a low angle, close up shot of the girls face appearing confused, as to just leave the store, to get $400?. She then leaves the changing room, as the camera pans behind her, to tell the guy the next dare. However, she soon realises that all of her stuff is gone, including her clothes and her wallet. The camera shows a birds eye view of the girl running around in the store looking for her clothes. The birds eye view show the audience a larger scale of the store, which gives them a wider insight into the trailer. The guy then diegetically states " we have to leave the store" to which she replies " i cant steal the dress?!" She then cleverly concludes that she only has to leave the store, so she takes the dress off, and they both leave in their underwear. It becomes quickly apparent that the game isn't all fun and games, but actually involves doing crimes in order to win money. Her friends and family begin to see the effects, as their money goes missing, and she has to get tattoos to win even more money. 

The trailer proceeds showing different dares and activities that they have to do to win the money. I feel that this trailer is a really succesfull way of engaging the audience into the action and suspense shown, especially through the camera work and angles. 

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