Saturday 20 August 2016

FILM POSTER- Divergent

Insurgent is part of very popular franchise including Divergent, Insurgent, Allegent and Allegent part two. I myself love these films, and have seen them all, excluding Allegent part two as it has not been released yet. The film stars Shailene Woodley and Theo James on their adventures in Chicago city.

 Insurgent is a thriller/action movie based around individuals living in a democratic society, whereby each individual belongs to a particular group, or "factions." There are five factions: Abnegation, Erudite, Dauntless, Amity and Candor. Those that do not fit into a faction, are known as divergent's, which are believed to threaten the system and therefore need to be abolished from the organisation. I thought that this film poster was really effective in the sense that the girl appears much more powerful than the male, when subverts the gender stereotypes. I thought that the background was interesting and stood out, i also felt that it was a different poster compared to others that i have looked at, as this poster has more colours and tones which help the poster look more appealing to audiences. 

The poster generally shows a boy and a girl standing on a small piece of a building. In the background there is a city that looks slightly warned down, almost like it had been involved in some kin of war. This would make audiences intrigued, as it makes them question why the city appears so broken, and if the two characters in the middle are part of it. The sky is a mixture of blues and purples, and we can see the sun shining in the background. The colours of the sky make it look like the poster is trying to look like it was taken at dusk time, or in the late evening, which makes the poster seem unique as most posters are usually in the day or in the night. The cool colours in the sky also add a positive feeling to the poster as they hold connotations with more positive things than negative. Such as, the colour blue connotes happiness, wealth and friendship, and yellow is seen to be related to happiness too as well as beauty.  In the sky also, we are able to see that there are birds soaring in the wind. The fact that there is nature shown in the photograph emphasises this positive emotion created by the colours of the sky, as when there is wildlife, it suggests that it is an acceptable environment for them to live in, and therefore safe for humans as well. The background appears like some kind of city, from watching the film i know that it is set in Chicago, however, it is clear from the poster alone, that it is set in some kind of city. Cities are often used in action films as they are a good urban area, with enough space and capacity to put characters into, where they will fit in well. Cities are often busy areas too, which means that they can meet new people as well.

Onto the placement of the characters, there is a male and a female who are both on this part of a building. They are both looking in the same direction, which suggests that they are looking at something important or significant. The audience however cannot see this, which helps persuade them to go and watch the film. One of the main reasons why i chose to look at this poster was because of the placement of the male and the female. Stereo typically in action films, the male is seen to be the most dominant and powerful. However, in this poster, interestingly, the girl is standing up and the guy is leaning downward and looking away from her. When a character is standing above another in one shot, it automatically makes the audience think that they are more significant and therefore more important than the other. The fact that it is a girl standing up makes the idea of patriarchal dominance be stripped away. This would help persuade female audiences to go and see the film, as a female lead in an action film is a fun and unique way to project an action film. Both the characters are wearing black which suggests that they are trying to stay hidden and in a disguise. The colour black holds connotations with power, mystery, death and evil, in which these attachments might be traits that are shown in the characters. We can see that the guy has a gun on his back, which conforms to the conventions of an action film. A gun can kill someone instantaneously with little effort required, therefore it makes the gun dangerous and the person holding the gun dangerous, which makes the guy seem powerful and dominating, even though he is placed in a lower position to the girl. The girl has long blonde hair, which is stereotyped with wealth and beauty, this makes the film also attract male audiences, as having a pretty girl in a film can make males want to go and see the film. 

At the top of the poster, the words "Based on the worldwide best seller" is projected. This goes without saying, helps persuade audiences to go and watch the film. If any film or book or piece is a world wide best seller, then identifiably it is clear that it is a successful film. If many others have watched it, then others will follow. It seems clear to put this on a film poster, as it will raise the box office hits of the film itself. The font is very interesting in this film poster. The title of the film is written in capitals, which makes it appear much bolder and intense to the audience. The font is in white, which contrasts with the characters outfits, suggesting that there may be a link between the title of the film and the two characters on the front cover. In the title there is a huge blue slash going through all of the letters. The slash almost looks like a sword or knife has slashed through the word "Divergent" which suggests that there may be a battle between the "Divergent's" and other people. 

In conclusion if feel that the background and the posture of the characters in this film poster have been placed together well and makes the film posture look successful. The fact that at the top of the page it says "Based on the worldwide best seller" will help boosts more audiences to go and see the film, thus, raise box office hits. 

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