Friday 19 August 2016

ACTION TRAILERS- The Bourne Identity

Here is a link to the Bourne Identity trailer:

I really wanted to analyse the Bourne Identity as it centers a lot around fighting. In all action films, the common stereotype is that there is always some kind of action taking place. When producing our production, we need to incorporate fighting, but obviously without anyone being harmed or hurt. I feel that this film shows the most effective camera angles to perform, and the best way to shoot any fighting scenes. "The story of a man (Matt Damon), salvaged, near death, from the ocean by an Italian fishing boat. When he recuperates, the man suffers from total amnesia, without identity or background... except for a range of extraordinary talents in fighting, linguistic skills and self-defense that speak of a dangerous past. He sets out on a desperate search-assisted by the initially rebellious Marie (Franka Potente) - to discover who he really is, and why he's being lethally pursued by assassins.- IMBD"

The trailer begins with "Universal" being shown on the screen. Universal is a huge, international company that is the fundamental element of many other successful films. This immediately gives the film a unique selling point, as films produced by a successful provider, helps boost box office hits. We then hear a non diegetic voice, of which is the narrator throughout the trailer. This film was released during 2002, which is quite old considering the of the action films that i have analysed. I wanted to have a range of action films, and not just similar and modern trailers. From watching this trailer, the presence of dialogue helps to inform the audience on a much clearer level. Compared to the modern trailers that i have looked at such as, Batman vs Superman and Suicide Squad, there is no narrator in the trailer, which means that all the clips have to be displayed in a more fluent and clear manner. However, i think having a narrator can some what make the trailer appear slightly tacky and old fashioned, thus, we will not use a narrator during our production. The narrator states "He has the skills of a dangerous man..." The sentence immediately puts the audience into the action of the trailer. As the dialogue is being said, there is a medium shot of an ordinary guy walking through a corridor. This suggests that this is the man that is "dangerous." The guy is wearing a yellow jumper. The colour yellow connotes happiness, which juxtaposes the dialogue being stated by the narrator. The camera then pans next to the man, and he is just walking through a corridor. Then, unexpectedly, he bursts out of nowhere, and starts fighting loads of people. The editing in this part of the trailer is extremely fast paced, which helps make the audience feel part of all the action.

 The fast pace editing also accentuates how fast all the actors are "hitting" each other. The main guy is throwing people around, punching people in the face and slinging people onto the floor. It quickly becomes apparent to the audience that he is a very dangerous man, but also clever and intelligent. He also appears more powerful as he managed to beat up six people all on his own. The music here becomes really sped up, and there are drums and a soundtrack being played. Again, the music is fast paced and upbeat, which helps to make the audience feel part of all the action happening on the screen. 

Furthermore, the structure of the trailer here is very effective. There is already a lot of action happening just seven seconds into the trailer. This is effective because the audience are thrown right into the deep end of all the action straight away. There is no dramatic climax towards the fighting (apart from when he unexpectedly starts fighting people). I feel that in a way this lets the trailer down primarily because having a dramatic build up can really captivate the audience and make them feel on edge more. 

We then see a medium shot of a guy holding a gun with both of his hands. The use of the gun is effective and is a common convention expected to be seen in an action film. \guns have the power to kill any individual with little effort required. This is what makes them so dangerous and alarming to audiences, as when a character gets shot, it can cause a lot of distress to the characters in the film, and the audience itself. Getting an audience to express and emotion, weather it be fear, anger or being upset, it means that the film is successful as the audience have become attached. The use of the medium shot is effective as the audience are able to see what is in his hands, as well as his facial expressions. His face seems to be slightly shriveled but also dedicated at the same time. We can see that he has his eyes fixed on something, as he doesn't move his head or eyes from one particular spot. This suggests to the audience that he is about to shoot someone which makes them feel on edge and therefore part of the film itself. The screen then jump cuts to another medium shot of the same guy hanging on the roof of a building. We can see that the building is high  because the building in the background is really high off the ground. This generates anticipation towards the audience, as he could quite easily fall and damage himself or even worse, kill himself. We can see in the shot that his eyes are fixed on the roof above him, suggesting that he is focusing himself so that he doesn't fall. Regarding the MES, all we can see that he is wearing in a brown jumper and a large silver watch. The watch suggests that he is wise and intelligent, as he is a spy, watches are a simple and yet needed item needed by everyone to tell the time. As this film was made during 2002, i don't think grabbing your iPhone out your pocket is quite the way to tell the time. 

We then see another medium shot of two men looking at a computer screen. In the background of the medium shot, we are able to see other computer screens with maps and targeted points on them. This could suggest to the audience that they are trying to find someone. In action films, having a hunt or a chase to find someone creates anticipation and a thriller nature towards the audience. It makes them feel part of the action, and feel the suspense of the scene. The men in this shot are both wearing suits, which connotes power and authority. There facial expressions in the medium shot are fixed on the computer screen. The guy on the right looks angered and stressed which suggests that he cant find what he is looking for. 

In conclusion, i feel like this was a highly successful trailer in the sense that it had a strong variety of camera angles, especially when filming the physical,fighting scenes. I feel like it has had a strong influence for us, when we create our production, especially regarding the camera work. 

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