Sunday 21 August 2016

FILM POSTER- The Dark Knight

 I decided to analyse the Dark knight film poster, as i feel that the angle that the poster is shot at and the colour schemes are extremely effective in inviting the audience into the action and content of the film itself. The Dark Knight is a very popular and well known franchise, with millions of fans and followers internationally. The film has made huge profits in the box office and has had a worldwide success. Generally, there is a lot going on in the poster, there is flames, the main character and a huge building, so naturally it is going to capture peoples attention. I feel that this poster really represents what an action film is all about. Stereo typically, action films have explosions and is usually based in a city. The fire and flames suggests that there is a lot of hard hitting destruction in the film, which helps to add an exciting plot twist to the audience. The buildings are tall and appear slightly over bearing which adds a dominating feel to the photograph. This also balances the composition of the poster, as Batman's posture also appears slightly dominating. 

The poster itself is angled at a low angle. This is an effective way to make Batman appear to be superior and dominating. It also helps to make the buildings in the background appear larger, creating an authoritative atmosphere in the poster. However, in the poster there are also some aspects that challenge the social conventions of action films. For example, the main character or hero is dressed in black which gives off the impression that he is a villain due to the connotations attached with the colour black (evil,power and mystery) His face is also concealed, which suggests that he us hiding something from other people, which could suggests that he is concealing something which adds a mysterious atmosphere to the film. The fire explosion in the background reinforces the stereo typical conventions expected to be seen in an action film. It creates excitement and reinforces the status of an action film. Furthermore, the explosion almost looks like it is in the shape of a person, which would intrigue the audience as to why it is like that, making them want to go and see the film. The background is always an important aspect to consider in a poster. This is because it helps to give an indication to the audience about the setting of the film. The background is dark and cloudy with smoke. This adds atmosphere to the poster as well as suspense. It also links in with the title of the film. The title of the film is placed directly center at the bottom of the page. The middle of anything is where people are usually drawn to first. The title of the film is the most important aspect, therefore it needs to be able to see clearly. To emphasise this, the font is in capital letters and is slightly spaced apart. The font is in white, which contrasts with the black background helping it to stand out and appear bolder. Behind the font, is the Batman logo which is very well known. Having a well known logo on a poster will help to create recognition with the audience. Other Batman related films and merchandise have been extremely popular, which suggests that this film will be of the same standard. Around the Batman logo, there is a white light shining through the perimeter of the bat itself. This again, helps the logo to stand out as the colours juxtapose each other, creating a bolder and more intriguing logo. The main characters posture is also intriguing. He is clenching his fists together, which is what you would do when you're angry, or attempting to harm someone. This adds even more excitement to the film, as aggressive and violent behavior are normal conventions expected to be seen in an action film. They bring excitement to the film and keep the audience on edge. This kind of behavior usually attracts the male gender to the film. Results show that boys relate more to the violent and aggressive scenes due to their physique, masculine ways and hormones. 

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