For our trailer, we concluded that we wanted to go with an action movie. Action movies have a very versatile approach, where we can all incorporate different kinds of props, characters, clothing and a lot of exciting and thrilling scenes. With our opening two minutes from last year, we went with a thriller, which has many similarities to an action, which helps to give us a head start with out selected genre. I wanted to analyse the new Batman vs Superman film, as i feel the camera work and use of CGI will be extremely helpful during the filming of our trailer.
The trailer begins with an establishing shot of a skyline of a city. It is night time in the shot, so there is a minimal amount that we can see on the screen. There is no soundtrack at this moment, however there is a rocket/aeroplane typed object that is soaring in the sky. It has a large surface area, and appears powerful and dominating. As the rocket soars across the sky, the camera pans around it, making the audience feel part of the action. It also allows the audience to see what exactly the aeroplane is, to help introduce the idea of modern technology into the film. Through a fade to black, the audience are presented with two people inside of the rocket. The gentlemen is old and is wearing glasses and a jumper with padding on the shoulder. Through an over the shoulder shot, we can see that this gentlemen is actually controlling the aircraft. This conforms to the stereotype of elderly people being wise and knowledgeable, as this aircraft appears highly difficult to control throughout the sky. We are then introduced to one of the main characters in the entire trailer. The elderly gentlemen states diegetically "Why don't i drop you off on the second?" The air craft then halts, and the camera zooms out to a wide angle. We then see Batman jump out of the aircraft and onto the front. Batman is all in black ( hence bats). The colour black connotes danger, wealth,power and death, which puts him in a superior position in the trailer, and almost appear slightly heroic. Through a medium shot, Batman then jumps through a glass building into a room. We hear the sound effect of glass being shattered which conforms to an action movie. It adds excitement and a thrilling atmosphere to the audience, as pushing your whole body through a glass ceiling isn't an every day act that any normal human being can do. The audience can then hear a a thud, and then a fade to black. This creates suspense to the audience as it makes them question what is going to happen next. The thud is loud and pounding, almost like a gun shot. The fact that the editing then fades to a black screen, it means that the audience are unable to see what is going on, which adds even more suspense to the scene. The black screen then fades, and we are presenting with a camera pan of many men holding heavy guns all pointing at the same area. The audience are unable to see what the men are pointing at which adds a greater deal of suspense as it must be something powerful due to the sheer volume of guns being pointed. There is then a huge thud, and Batman storms through the middle of all the men armed with guns. All the men are pushed backwards due to his powerful entrance into the room. This reinforces Batman's powerful presence and Ora, and puts him in a protagonist position in the trailer. After Batman has stormed into the room, the audience are then presented with the main action in the trailer. Batman and all these men start fighting. The fighting is aggressive and violent, with men being slung into the wall, to bones being crushed and shattered by Batman himself. Again, Batman's power fullness is accentuated here, as he has beaten all these men just on his own. The use of sound effects here is effective in adding an action vibe to the trailer. The use of thuds, bangs, screams and screeches helps to make the audience feel scared and captivated by all the action. Action feels are usually aimed a male audience, due to the sheer amount of violence and boystrous behavior presented in action films. We are then presented with an over the shoulder/long shot of a dark figure standing up, a large building in the background and superman being on the floor in the background. When a character is standing over another character it makes them seem more powerful and dominating. It makes the audience feel more connected to that character due to their powerful position in the film. The weather in the scene is raining, which could also bring in the idea of pathetic fallacy ( weather effecting the mood). Raining is commonly seen more negatively, which suggests that the scene is going to go more downhill than up.... The screen then fades to black again, which seems to be a regular occurrence in the trailer, which helps to make the trailer flow. We then hear a non-diegetic, deep voice say "He has the power to wipe out the entire human race..." This is a very alarming sentence and will help to make the audience feel on edge and captivated into the film. We then hear a thud, and a clip of Superman turning around in slow motion. The use of the slow motion is effective, as it makes the audience more fixed onto the action in the film. It makes them feel like they are part of the movie, and get a sense of what it would be like to be in that characters shoes.
I really enjoyed analysing this trailer. As it was released this year it means that many people are already interested in the film, which makes it easier to write about. Superman and Batman are both well known, popular characters int he non fiction world, which makes the trailer even more exciting to write about.
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