Saturday 13 August 2016

ACTION TRAILERS- Fast and Furious 7

Here is a link to the Fast and Furious trailer:

Fast and Furious is an action film consisting of a group of friends that centers around illegal car racing in streets and roads across America. I thought that analysing this trailer would hep us during the production of making our trailer, as the camera work and editing is really strong in this trailer. It shows an adequate amount of footage, but not too much to give the entire trailer away. I feel that the fast and furious trailer is very different compared to other trailers that i have analysed, in the sense that this trailer shows more of one scene, rather than clips from across the entire movie.

The trailer begins with the institution bursting onto the screen, which is Universal. This immediately gives the film a unique selling point. Universal studios is an international company, and is owned by Comcast through its wholly owned subsidiary NBC Universal. The company makes a lot of money in the film industry, which already gives the movie a head start.  We then see a medium shot of a man in a car. He is wearing a black top, with logos on it, and is talking through a walkie-talkie stating diegetically "alright, let's get to work." This dialogue immediately gets the audience involved into the trailer. The sentence suggests that himself and some others are about to do something, inwhich the audience do not know what, which helps to create suspense. The camera then fades to another mediums shot of a girl with black hair, she smiles towards the left, which suggests that she is agreeing with what the other man was saying. She too, is in a car, which subverts to the stereotype of women in films, as they are seen to be feminine and cars are commonly associated with the male gender.  The soundtrack in the background is fast paced and upbeat. As the camera moves between each character, the music rises slightly, which adds anticipation to the audience. The music suggests that something exciting or dangerous is about to happen. This is further emphasised through the next character. Through a jump cut, we are presented with another character, a male, tapping his hands repeatedly on the steering wheel of his car. This suggests that he may be feeling nervous and on edge about what everyone is about to do. His walkie talkie then goes off, and a male voice states "Hey, are you freaking out?!" to which he replies "No." Through his uneasy posture and nervous body language and facial expressions, its clear to the audience that he is being sarcastic that he isn't nervous, which adds an even more thrilling vibe to the trailer as its building up to the audience what is about to happen. The music then cuts out, and the screen fades to black. This then adds anticipation towards the audience as they are unable to see or hear anything, and they know that a one of the characters is "freaking out".  We then see a medium shot of four modern looking cars all in what looks like a normal room. Until, the camera then zooms out, the audience are then quick to realise that they are in fact on the back of a large aeroplane, up in the sky. This courageous and unexpected scene conforms to the action genre. Having five to six cars up in the sky, and what seems like they are about to jump out, is a scary and terrifying act, which helps put the audience on edge. We then hear a non-diegetic sound bridge of the sound of a heart beating. This suggests that the characters are nervous and apprehensive for what they are going to do. It also helps show a connection between the audience and the characters, as they too would be feeling the same, as they have been captivated by the sound and camerawork already. Through a fade, the audience are presented with a low angle shot of a car falling from a plane. The plane is in the background and appears a lot smaller compared to the car, which suggests that the car is falling quickly through the sky. The car is black and red, which connotes danger and violence, which corresponds with the action present on the screen. The sky is blue with no clouds, which could suggest that they are in a hot and summery location which adds a positive vibe. The car has two large tires on the front back, but rather than them being underneath (like normal vehicles) they are actually on the back window. This makes the car appear much more diverse compared to normal cars, which adds a fun and unique twist to the film. It also conforms to the convention of action films, as they usually contain weird and powerful cars that are used in chases and getaways. We then see the cars racing altogether on a road which looks like a mountain. The camera shows a quick snippet of each character, and they all seem to have their eyes transfixed on a particular point. The camera then pans to the left, and we can then see that there is a large, black coach looking vehicle. All the windows are blacked out which adds the idea of mystery to the coach. The coach then removes its sides, and five guns are released and then start shooting at the characters in their cars. It becomes quickly apparent to the audience that this coach is more bad than it is good, and that it is causing harm and danger to the characters. This is all happening just 55 seconds into the trailer, which means that the audience and thrown right into the action straight away. This means that they are able to feel a part of all the action of the trailer straight away, before their minds are distracted on the less exciting parts of the trailer.

The camera is quickly jump cutting between each character, as they too fire bullets from their cars and heavy machinery. The use of the fast paced editing and camerawork, makes the scene seem thrilling and exciting to the audience. It makes them feel engaged and captivated by all the action, and feel like they are there too. I feel that having the audience really engaged with the trailer is a highly successful way to make them go and watch the film. If they cannot keep their eyes off the screen, then whats stopping them going to watch the film? I feel that when we are shooting our trailer, we want to be able to make each scene as interesting and captivating as possible, in aid of getting a wider audience for our film. We see a medium shot of the coach in the center of the track, and three of the goodies cars behind it. The coach looks mysterious as the entire thing is blacked out which puts the audience on edge. There is lots of greenery around, which puts a satisfying and relaxing mood on the scene, which juxtaposes the shooting and aggressive nature shown between the vehicles. The shooting continues, and one of the members from the cars gets out and jumps onto the coach. Jumping onto high and dangerous cars makes the audience feel on edge as this is a very courageous act to do. It successfully highlights the thrills and anticipation that is expected to be demonstrated in an action film. 

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