Thursday 26 January 2017

Title Credits

For our trailer, we have to include our own title credits. When doing this, the font, style, colour, composition are all very important, especially when considering your genre. Our film is a clown horror, based around three girls and a creepy clown that follows the girls around. Therefore, our trailer titles needed tor resemble a horror film. 

The first title has a black background, with white writing. This immediately displays a good tonal contrast between the juxtaposing colours of black and white. This will help the audience to be attracted to the writing on the screen. The background slightly fades on the outer corners which gives the illusion of an eerie and creepy effect to it, which conforms to the horror genre. The font used here is called 'Arial Pressed VT'. This font is similar to fonts used on other production credits, and is usually a convention to have the font to be long and slightly over extended. In addition, the sub headings of 'Directed by' and 'Produced by' are usually a lot smaller than the name placed on the screen. This is because the credits care commonly placed at the end of the trailer. Many successful films usually have a USP ( Unique Selling Point), which is commonly the actors in the film.If a particular film has a well known and successful actor, then it usually gives the audience the impression that the film is going to be good. Thus, the titles on the credits usually have the name in bold. We used this convention in making our own. The title of our film is placed in the centre which is effective as it draws the audience's attention directly to it. In addition, the font is also larger of, 15 instead of 12 used for the smaller fonts. Our institution is placed in the middle on the top line. This is also effective, as a successful production company such as, Paramount or Universal produce successful films and are also well known and popular distributors. In our trailer 'Purple Lake Productions' is the first thing that is shown, this helps to give the audience the impression that our trailer is professional. Furthermore, we also have our second production company name on this trailer credit, of 'On Track Productions' adding in a second production company further highlight the professionalism of the trailer and gives the audience a slight inside into who made the film. 

However, we feel that this particular title doesn't display our genre effectively enough. We feel that this credit shows an action film more so than a horror. This is due to the type of font used and the basic layout and composition of the credit. Therefore, we will not be using the trailer credit in our film. 

This is our second trailer credit. Immediacy we were able to recognise that this trailer screams connotations of horror. This is due to the faded corners and the splattered marks on the page. The faded corners help to give an illusion of an eerie and sinister atmosphere. They almost look like ink markings which gives an old fashioned and archaic feel the the poster. The harsh and juxtaposing colours of black and white help to create strong tonal contrasts on the page, between the background and the font. Unlike the first trailer credit, the font here is black. The colour black connotes ideas of mystery, power and death which are all attributes/connotations that will be present in our trailer. The splatter marks on the page help to give a fun twist on the trailer credits. Our titles in the film are simply a black background against a white text, so having a few adjustments not only adds our own individuality and twist on our trailer, but makes it different compared to the titles which is imperative when trying to keep our audience engaged on the trailer. Our title of 'Joke's On You' is wrote in a different font compared to the standard text on the sides. This is effective, as it suggests that the title is the most important thing on the page, which also explains why it is in a larger font size of 15, rather than 12 like the rest of the text. The word 'joke' is seen to be funny and a laugh at someones expense. The fact that the title is placed in a different font could metaphorically suggest that the title is seen to be the joke on the page. Which is a clever and ironic way of looking at our title. Similarly to the last title, the names of the actors in the film are much larger than the sub-headings of 'Director' and 'Produced by'. This is because if a particular film has a well known and successful actor, then it usually gives the audience the impression that the film is going to be good. Thus, the titles on the credits usually have the name in bold and in a lager font. We feel whatever the appearance of our title, we should include both of our production companies which are- Purple Lake Productions and 'On Track Productions'. This cements the idea that our trailer is successful and professional. 

We will use the second trailer credits in our film as we feel that it conforms to the horror genre more successfully than the first credit does. The faded background and splatters on the page help to give an eerie effect as well as creating suspense to our audience. The font of our title is effective as it stands out from the rest, and has slightly curved letters which gives an old fashioned and archaic feel to the credits.

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