Thursday 30 June 2016

TRAILER ANALYSIS- The Wolf of Wall Street

The trailer opens with non-diegetic sound of the drums being played loudly, at an upbeat tempo. This makes the audience feel content and ammused by the trailer before any footage is actually shown on the screen. Having an up-beat sound track is a successful way to really engage the audience into the film. We are then presented with three establishing shots of what looks like to be New York. New York is a large, indipendent and well known state, and is known for its positions of employment and money making. Many people there are buisness men, and work in large, tall buildings. New York is also known for having yellow taxi's which we are able to see in the background of the establishing shits. Through a cut, we are presented with a close up shot of a sign stating "Wall St" idicating "wall street" to the audience. This is effective, as it shows a direct link to the title of the film, which helps make the audience feel enagged as they are able to piece together parts of the trailer to the name of the film. We then see titles being placed onto the screen. The background of the titles is in yellow and the font is in black. Having a yellow background is brght and colourful and connotes the idea of happiness, which helps to make the audience feel relaxed. HAving a yellow background and black font also creates a strong contrast in colour, which helps the font to stand out. As with most trailers, the music is synchronised with what is happening on screen. The titles appear in coordination with the beat of the song, 'Black Skinhead' by Kanye West. Actors Leonardo dicaprio and Jonah Hill are presented in the titles which gives the film a unique selling point. They are both very well known actors and are very successful, and popular. Thus, audiences will be attracted towards the film, as there are successful actors in the film. I feel that having well known actors/actresses in the film is a really effective way to reach a global audience. In addition,  Multiple quotes that sum up the plot and tone of the film are included in the trailer in order to draw and captivate the audience in with the premise. Moreover, it highlights its star-studded cast and the accolades won by its director through the titles in between clips, which is another common theme in Hollywood film trailers. After the three establishing shots, which help set the scene and location of the film, we are presetned with a medium, front-tracking shot of our protagonsit walking down a hallway of a building. Regarding mise, en scene we can see that he is wearing a suit. Suits are seen to be powerful and hold connotations with domiance and authority, which helps to show characteristics of our protagonist.  In the opening quote of the trailer, the protagonist states non-diegetically  "My name is Jordan Belfort, the year I turned 26, I made $49 million, which really pissed me off because it was 3 shy of a million a week" . The use of the colloquialism "pissed" shows that the protagonist can sometimes be seen as rude, and disrespectful. The audience are left to interpret that this could be because of the sheer amount of money he had earnt when he was 26, which could make him seem stuck-up and very money orientated. These personality traits can also be witnessed later on in the trailer, where the protagonist is shown throwing a wine glass containing an alcoholic beverage away in his garden, while he is also seen throwing money into a bin.. This also helps to attract the target audience as it gives them an insight into the protagonists's lavish and action packed lifestyle. The trailre then cuts to a long shot of an office, and many people that are working in that office to be the employees. All the workers are cheering excessivley as the protagonist walks into the room. This happens as he states "$49 million dollars" which suggests to the audience that the employees are congradulating him on his huge success of his earnings. The use of the long shot is an effevtive way to show the audience the amount of people that are congradualting him, which suggests that the protagonist is a well known and likeable guy, whichh helps make the audience feel an attachement towards him.  We then cross cut to a long shot of a sports car pulling up outside of a very large house. The long shot allows the audience to see the grand scale of the house, and the whole appearence of the car, rather than just one part. The house has 4 long white polls attached to the celling, with 5 steps leading to the front door. Towards the left of the shot, we can see that there are other cars parked in a car park, which helps to reinforce the powerful and wealthy characteristics that the protagonist has. We then see a medium shot of our protagonist realaxing on a large yacht. Yacht's are very expenive, and are commonly associated with the elite members of a society. This again emphasises his earnigns, and how wealthy this individual is. It almost helps to engage the audience, as anyone would want to live this lifestyle that he is living, which helps them become more engaged into the film. He then states diegetically "We are making a name for ourselves" which gives the audience an explanation as to why the protagonsit is spening his money on unesecarry things, and why he is just throwing away his money. 

We then cross cut to a close up shot of the protagonist looking directly into the  camera. This is effective as it makes the audience feel like the protagonsit is talking to them directly, making them feel part of all the action. His body language and posture appears every relaxed, with his shoulders down, and hand gestures of pointing and shrugging. This helps to make the audience feel more engaged, as its like he is having a realistic conversation with the audience. He then states diegetically "Was any of this legal...? Absalutley not!". This suggests to the audience that he is a wealthy and rebellious individual, as his huge earnings of money is not entirely legal. This helps bring suspense and annticiaption to the audience, as illegal acts can have serious consequences, which are ideas that may be shown in the whole film itself. We are then introduced to a female character in a medium,two shot. 
The female lead is represented in a sexual way in the trailer which is often the case in the modern age of film. The 'male gaze' - the idea of women being sexualised in film in order to attract a male audience - is clearly taken into account in this trailer, as the only scenes in which the female lead is shown, she is presented in a seductive manner. She is wearing a pink dress with black high heels on.The colour pink can symbolise romance and relashtionships, which emphasises her seductive attitude.In the trailer, Leonardo Dicaprop has a voice over feature to help explain the narrative. In this case he informs the audience of his name,age and background of his life ambition ( money).  The trailer then shows quick close up shots in a sequence showing money being stacked into boxes, money being thrown in the air off of boats, and money being chucked at individuals. Inbetween these shots, the titles come up saying "MORE". At the same time, the music is becoming higher higher inbetween each shot. This suggests that the director is trying to create this idea of a dramatic climax, and create suspense towards the audience. I feel that this is a really successful way of getting the audience involved into the trailer, making them want to see more and more. 

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