Tuesday 28 June 2016


Maleficent is a 2014 American epic dark fantasy film directed by Robert Stromberg from a screenplay by Linda Woolverton and starring Angelina Jolie and Elle Fanning. The film is base on the tale of sleeping beauty, which was a classic Disney movie known by many. Within the first two seconds of the trailer, we can see that the institution of the film is Disney. Disney is a very successful and well known company making millions of dollars every year. By placing this at the beginning of the trailer it immediately creates a buzz and excitement to the audience, due to their huge success and good reputation. Disney has made loads of films over the years, which means that it has a well established audience, thus it guarantees a large audience for any upcoming films. Through a fade, we are presented with an establishing shot of a castle. This type of shot is a successful way for the audience to understand the setting and location of the film. Castles are often associated with princesses, so it already creates a positive atmosphere towards the audience. The camera pans around the castle, possibly through using a helicopter or a crane. This gives the audience a much wider view and gives them a bigger opportunity to interpret the film.  On the left hand side, we can see soldiers moving. Soldiers can create an idea of danger, as they are known to fight. This already sets to the audience that there might be some kind of battle to be seen in the film, which adds excitement to the movie. Next, an extreme close up of candles being blown out is shown. When candles are lit, it means that individuals are able to see, which brings to mind positive thoughts. When candles get blown out, it usually means that there is darkness. Darkness brings negative thoughts to mind, which makes the audience feel apprehensive and scared as to why the candles had been blown out in the first place. By this point, the audience are aware that something bad is about to happen which adds suspense to the trailer. Through a fade to black, we are presented with a dark and sinister looking room. We can see chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, which have sharpe points on them with little light being shown, again introducing this idea of darkness. Through editing, a Montague of three clips of the same room are pasted together, each with a cut to a black screen therebetween. This is effective, as it brings to mind the idea of distortion, which will make the audience feel on edge. The music here builds, suggesting that something bad is about to happen. The music is deep, with the sound of gusts of wind being blown, with a light chiming sound in the background. This type of sound is commonly associated with small children in horror movies, so it also brings a sense of fear to the audience. The darkness, low music and quick cuts, makes the audience feel that something bad is about to happen. We are then finally presented with out main character Maleficent. Here, we see a medium shot of her. The medium shot allows the audience to see her outfit and facial expressions. She is mainly wearing black,which again brings in the darkness, but black connotes danger,evil and mystery, which makes the audience assume that these emotions are attached to this particular character. She has two long horns attached to her head, surrounded by a black-hat like material circulating the perimeter of her face. The lighting in this scene has significantly changed, and has become more low key lighting which reflects the characters ora that is given off. On her left hand side, she hold a long stick, with crow resting on top. Crows are also black, and are symbolised as being an object of death and evil, which further reinforces Maleficent's ominous ora that is created. She has bright red lips, which makes her seem alluring to the audience and to characters in the film. This could be a subtle way to attract victims into her, and make her seem powerful through the idea of beauty.
Next, we are presented with a long shot of Maleficent constructing her power around a room. She is in the center of the frame, which makes her seem the most dominant person in the room. Her composure looks powerful. She holds both her hands out, widely spread making herself seem that she is trying to take over the whole room. Her power is in the colour green. Green is seem to be ugly, alien-like and exciting, which further enhances her dominant style.In this scene she is creating a curse on the castle, suggesting a sense of hatred and jealousy which is a common theme and  convention shown in fairy tales. Through a fade, we are presented with an extreme long shot of a woodland with spiky, sharp trees pointing out aggressively to the right. The branches almost appear like they are guarding something, which inter-veins the idea of protection and jealousy. Previously in the trailer, it was spring/summer, which can be shown as there was leaves on the trees, and flowers on the ground. In this long shot, it can suggest a change in the seasons, which helps to show the development of the film and how it is continuing. We then see a two shot of a girl with long blonde hair with flowers in it. Long blonde hair is stereo typically seen as attractive in film, which makes this girl seem innocent and likable to the audience. Her representation is juxtaposed by Maleficent's dark clothing, at spooky Ora. This differentiation of characters captivates the audience into the film, as its uncommon to see a dark/mysterious character sitting next to a sweet and innocent child.  The lighting in this shot is high key which connotes a pleasant and satisfying atmosphere. The composition of the shot shows the two characters having the same amount of space on the screen, suggesting that they are seen as equal and even. 

Next, we are presented with a medium shot of our protagonist attempting to touch a needle on a spinning wheel. Earlier in the trailer, Maleficent states that when she does this, she will fall into a "death like sleep" which makes the audince feel tense and on edge, as they can predict what is about to happen. The lighting behind our protagonist is high key, which contrasts with the negative concept of the sharp needle.The needle is lit up, which brings the audiences attention direcltytowards the tip. It engages their eyes to look directly at the point, which is the begnning of where things start to go down hill. The girl is wearing a dress, which reinforces her vulnerability, making her look weak. This is because girls are commonly seen in dresses, and are known as the weaker se

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