Monday 13 June 2016

AS coursework reflection- Digital Technology

AS reflection page- Digital Technology
Throughout our AS year, we were introduced to various new technology, from technology we have never used before to technology we have used previously, therefore allowing us to develop our skills and abilities using these. We used vast amounts of different forms of media technology during the construction,research,planning and evaluation stages, providing us to produce a high quality opening two minutes.

What software was used?

The research page was vitally important for uncovering the foundation of what genre we wanted our film to be, the props we needed and the particular shot types that we needed in order to make our film as successful as it could possibly be. This meant that we had to use the world wide software, google, which provided us with all the information and knowledge we needed to create a successful opening two minutes. We decided to use Adobe Premier Elements 10. We used this to construct our entire opening two minutes, from the cropping of the clips to inserting the photographs and images. It was quick and easy to understand and use, which meant that all the group could help participate in the construction of the opening two minutes. The complexity of the software was fairly high; there was a numerous amount of different special effects where you can alter the saturation of the video to where you can crop sections of the video out; which tested out ability of editing. Also during the editing stages, we used a font website called "Groovy fonts" This software allowed us to manipulate with the colouring, size and type of font we wanted our film title to be. This software was easy to use and download as different files to ensure that it was a high resolution on the font when we inserted in into our film. Paint was also a very friendly piece of technology, which was ideal for the template of our fonts, however, we needed to use a more high tech software which is why we converted to the template of our font to "Groovy fonts." After finalizing our film, we used another type of software which was Youtube. This was another type of website meaning that we could publish our film onto the web, which would be seen as a marketing campaign strategy as it would intrigue our target audience to wanting to watch the whole film. We also uploaded behind the scenes footage and images for our audiences. It also provided us with data and information about the reactions from our audiences, which we would take into account and work on the feedback we received. The final piece of software used was blogger. Blogger demonstrated the development i of our production, which illustrates a step by step process from start to finish of our opening two minutes "The Alley."

What Equipment was used?

We used a high quality amount of equipment during our entire filming process. The main piece of equipment used was the we used a Nikon D3000. The D3000 is primarily aimed at anyone who wants to take photos or videos without having to worry about what the camera is doing. The Nikon D3000 also features a 10.2 megapixel sensor, expeed processing system, 3-inch LCD screen, 3 fps continuous shooting and 11-point autofocus system. All these features made filming easier and more understandable for all of us to use. We felt that using a camera which was simple, was very important during filming, as It meant that we weren't standing around trying to work our particular camera functions. However, three of us, myself included, take photography as a subject, so we could get the correct camera settings and angles quickly and precisely, without many problems. By turning the camera's lens left to right, we were able to focus a character/object in the camera frame, this meant that our images on our film had a high resolution, making our shots look more professional. The camera also had a function of allowing a 9x9 grid to appear on the screen. We felt that this was extremely effective, as it meant we could incorporate "The Rule Of Thirds" in our production. This means getting a characters face into 3 of the boxes on the grid. This is used in many current films today, thus making our production look more professional. It also made the shots look more focused and effective. Changing the aperture value or more commonly known as "f number" on the camera, meant that we could control the amount of light coming into and out of the camera's lens. As it was winter when we were filming, the lighting was naturally quite dark, so we needed the correct amount of light needed to make our shots look effective, but also not too overexposed. We felt that using the NikonD3000, was a very easy, simplistic and effective piece of equipment to use. It allowed us to film quickly and easily, with certain settings that helped to our advantage also. During filming, 
we used a tripod, which provided stability for the camera, meaning it avoided shaky and blurry shots, which would have affected the continuity and quality of the film. During the filming process, we had to make the shots as realistic as possible, meaning we had to use clothing which would, firstly, suit the genre of the film, and secondly; clothing which would make the antagonist as scary as possible.All the pieces of clothing were vitally important as they connote different things, meaning we needed to portray the right connotations for our audience. To further provide a realistic atmosphere within the film,, for example we used a bag cut out in specific places to ensure the actress could breathe functionnally . The bag we all felt was a clever way to kill someone, as it diverts from normal thriller stereotypes such as a gun and a knife which added diversity to our film. The final piece of equipment we used was obviously a computer, which was used during the editing, research, planning and evaluation stages.

What were the technical pros and cons of the software and hardware?
There are many pros about the software we used, and one example of this is YouTube; this allowed us to broadcast behind the scene footage, which would have increased the popularity of our film, as this would be part of our marketing campaign. Although, the disadvantage of this type of software is that when uploading a video to YouTube the quality and resolution of the image decreases and becomes very pixelated, meaning it would disrupt the atmosphere which we created within this film. 
 Another software used was Blogger. Blogger was highly effective as it enabled us to show a step by step method on how we made our production, from minute details, for example the behind the scenes footage and images of the plastic  bag and how we managed to work around the suffocation, without anyone being harmed in the process.Another technical software we used was Adobe Premiere Elements 10, which is where we edited and added special effects which would make our opening two minutes fluent and high quality. This was high successful as it enabled us show what we are capable of as we could apply various editing techniques and special effects, such as the additive dissolve which made our production effective and ideal for our target audience.  The hardware we used in the film production was a NIKON 3000 camera and a tripod. We all wanted to use a camera that had a lot of megapixels, as it meant that the colour and resolution pixels would be much stronger. The NIKON camera was effective because it gave us a much more  high defined image, with no pixelated disturbance, which was perfect for when making a film.

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