Tuesday 28 June 2016


Here is a link to the Casino Royale Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36mnx8dBbGE

Casino Royale is part of the James Bond franchise, and was released during 2006. the film is based on a game of poker, where individuals lives are at risk and danger is right around the corner. The film consists of numerous killings,punch ups, drag races and exotic locations. Daniel Craig is James Bond, followed by Vesper Lynd playing Eva Green.

The trailer begins with a medium shot of James looking out in the distance. Regarding mise,en,scene, we can see that he is wearing sunglasses which indicates that he is possibly in a hot location. He is also wearing a suit which connotes the idea of power and authority, as its seen as respectable and honorable clothing. Suits are also expensive to buy,so it could also indicate to the audience that he is a wealthy individual. This wealthy idea can also be interpreted by the the background of the medium shot, we can see a plane. This suggests that James has just gotten off the plane, suggesting to the audience that he is in a new location, further in the distance of the shot, we can see palm trees waving. Palm trees only grow in hot locations so this further enhances the audiences understanding that the trailer is filmed in a hot location. The first part of the trailer is in black and white, which adds a historic feel to the trailer. Historically, movies were filmed in black and white until colour was introduced in 1967. By the trailer opening in black and white, it adds an historic atmosphere to the film, as the audience are restricted from any colour, thus cant interpret any emotion. Over the top of this, we hear non-diegetically "Your file shows no kills Bond..." The voice is from a man and is deep, which makes it sound superior. The idea of murder is introduced to the audience just 5 seconds into the trailer, which tunes audiences into the conventions of an action/thriller film. The screen then fades to a scene with James bond sitting down in a room with an older man talking about how to become a "double o" (007). James then pulls out a gun and shoots the man, with no facial expression shown at all. This suggests to the audience that James is good at his job (being a spy) and does not show much emotion when he does kill people. Through fast pace cross cuts as James pulls the trigger, snippets of men being shot are shown quickly onto the screen. The men fall backwards over buildings and fall into rivers. we then flash back to a close up shot of James sitting down, as he mutters diegetically "considerably..." and places the gun back into his pocket. This intense and dramatic actions engage the audience into the film well. It submerges them into the "Spy world" where killing,hunting and stealing are common factors that occur. A shooting is shown very early on in the trailer, so it engages the audience straight away into what they are expecting, making them want to carry on watching the rest of the trailer to find out what else James gets up to.

The James Bond soundtrack then interplay's where "COLUMBIA" is faded onto the screen. The James bond soundtrack is effective, as its iconic to every film. This suggests that there is the presence of a sound motif which makes the audience feel part of the film and the action, as they know that when this particular music is played, thrilling action is about to take place. We then see a long shot of a rain forest, with army trucks moving boxes on the road. The street is muddy and wet, which suggests that in this location it rains a lot, with makes the audience feel negative, as rain makes people feel down. (Pathetic fallacy. There is few people here, which indicates to the audience that it could be an area suffering from severe poverty. We then see a medium shot of a man with grey hair in a suit. One of his eyes is a different colour to the other- blue and brown. His left eye has a cut down it vertically, and this eye is the blue one.This makes this man stand out from anyone else. Facially, he almost looks abnormal to the others, which gives him a sinister appearance. He is wearing a black suit, which again shows power and authority. His mise en scene also makes him stand out from the others, as the other individuals in this locations are wearing almost like cloth clothing, with no shoes and headscarves, again, reinforcing the idea of poverty. The screen then fades to a panning camera movement of numerous boxes being opened with a stacks and stacks of money inside. Again,this creates a contrast between the poor individuals living in the forest, to the rich man in the suit with boxes and boxes of money. We are then introduced to another character named "M" played by Judi Dench, who is James Bond's manager. She explains that this man is planning a leader of a terrorist organisation, and a poker game in Montenegro is going to be planned. We then see numerous close up shots of a poker game, consisting of chips, cards, dealing and the poker table. M then states diegetically " if he looses this game, he will have nowhere to run." This suggests that James is going to be playing the poker game in order to save his country from various attacks. Through a fade, we are presented with a two shot of M and James walking together in a hotel garden. The setting here is relaxed and peaceful, which juxtaposes the dramatic punching and killing scenes presented in the beginning of the trailer.  M is wearing a white blazer. The colour white symbollises purity and goodness, which are traits that are expected to be seen in her character, James is wearing a blue polo top, with sunglasses tucked between his shirt, with grey chino-like trousers. This suggests that this location is relaxed and the characters are too. Next, we fade to a long shot of the casino. the main colour scheme shown is red, which connotes ideas of wealth and royalty. Many of the characters are dressed up very glamorous and alluring, possibly to distract the opposing male poker players from their game. The trailer then shows a fast pace montage of clips of cars racing each other and people getting beat up. These are effective in showing the audience all the action and common conventions of a thriller/action film.

Through a fade, we are presented with the opening of a gun about to shoot. The guns opening part, is filling the frame of the screen, and is pointing towards the audience as if the audience are the ones that are about to get shot. This is effective as it makes the audience feel part of the action. Its important that in thriller films the audience are kept engaged. By pointing a gun directly at them, it makes them feel like they are in the shoes of the characters in the film. By showing this in the trailer, it gives the audience a taster of what they are to expect in the whole film, making them feel more persuaded to go and watch the film. Through a lens flare, we are shown a two shot of James Bond and a girl in a shower sitting down. James is comforting the girl, by wrapping his arm around her. Interestingly,they are both wearing clothing, which seems odd especially when being in a shower. The fact that James has his arm around her suggests that the girl may be feeling emotional and upset. This type of behavior contrasts with the high and aggressive nature presented in the car chases and killing scenes, so it adds a sense of variety to the film. Having this type of behavior would attract female audiences, as females tend to lean towards romance and emotional scenes, as they feel that they can relate to that character. By showing a "romance" scene in the trailer, it suggests that there is content for everyone in the film.

We are then presented with a low angle shot of James looking at his phone. Having a low angle shot is successful, as it means that the audience can see James's body language and facial expressions. Furthermore, a low angle shot makes James appear taller, resulting in him appearing more dominant and authoritative to the audience. He appears puzzled when glaring at his phone, which adds suspense to the audience, as the main character doesn't appear to be in control of a situation if he looks confused at something. Regarding MES, we can see that James is wearing a suit, which connotes power and authority within his character, which juxtaposes his facial expression. In his right arm he is holding a gun. Although his face appears to be confused, his body language seems to make him appear confident as he is holding the gun with one hand. Guns are usually held in two hands, to get precision and accuracy when shooting someone. Within this shot, it appears that he is careless about the gun, and doesn't see it to be an issue that he has a dangerous object capable of killing an individual with little effort needed. In addition, the gun is larger than usual guns, suggesting that it may be more powerful. This will make the audience feel tension, as it suggests that the film has a high amount of killings and thrilling fight scenes, which are common conventions of a thriller/action film. 

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