Wednesday 9 November 2016

Trailer Inspirations

Image result for the film itImage result for clown filmsImage result for clown films
When planning what trailer we wanted to create, we needed to do research into the category of horror. We all agreed that we wanted to look at a clown, we feel like clowns are a modern day aspect, that bring terror and suspense to nearly all ages. The main films that had an inspiration was: "Stitches", "IT" and "Hello Bingo". These films all feature clowns in some form or another, and this was helpf
ul when trying to work out how we wanted our clown to look and what we wanted the clown to be wearing. "IT" had the biggest influence on our production, the way in which the clown acts, and the MES of the clown, highly fitted to all of our ideas. IT is also not that gory, however more creepy and mysterious. Stitches however, as you can guess by the title, features a lot of gore and blood. We want our clown to have a more paranormal approach to it, being creepy and possesd, therefore the appearance of the clown in stitches didn't have an influence, but the narrative did. "Stitches"  is a 2012 psychological horror comedy fantasy film directed by Conor McMahon and starring Ross Noble. The film revolves around a birthday clown returning from the dead to get revenge on the boys that caused his death. The basic narrative to this film inspired us more than the MES of the clown. The idea of "getting revenge" on people is what we want to incorporate into our film. We feel that it gives the trailer a good equilibrium, which will help to entice our audiences. In addition to this, the title of our film "Jokes on you" connotes the idea of betrayal, which helps to tie everything in together. 

"HELLO BINGO" is a short movie about an unconventional agency of hired killers who murder in extremely violent ways. In particular, they focus on victims’ fears and weaknesses. Like "Stitches", Hello Bingo, features the presence of a lot of gore and blood. We want to aim for a more paranormal approach to our trailer, so having a lot of blood and gore scenes is not really relevant to our trailer. However, the idea of the clown focusing on their victims weaknesses is a common horror convention that is used to generate the emotions of fear and suspense. We want our target audience to witness these emotions in our trailer, so some of the story line to Hello Bingo was helpful.

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