Wednesday 23 November 2016

Conclusion of Questionnaire results

These questionnaire's gave us an insight and guidance on how to distribute and produce our theatrical trailer. It was very helpful in gaining ideas, for what our target audience wanted to see and what they are interested in. We studied out of 100 people, and we received a wide range of results. After gaining the results, we were able to conclude and make some adjustments to our trailer, regarding the answers that we found out. The first question we asked our audience was "Who would you prefer to see as an antagonist?" The results were close, with male scoring 47% and female 53%. This tells us that the antagonist is most likley to be female. This subverted our expectations, we assumed that the antagonist would be male, as they are stereo-typically stronger, more powerful and dominating. However, as our trailer is a horror, it may be that a female can bring a slightly more creepy and sinister edge to the trailer. Although in our trailer the antagonist is hidden by the clown mask and dark, mysterious clothing, it was still useful to gain information from our target audience. The next question that we asked was "How many films do you watch weekly?" This was an interesting question for us, it indicated that we want our film to be popular, but we needed to find out if our audience actually enjoy watching films. The results concluded that watching 1-2 films a week was the most popular, scoring  a percentage of 63%. However, only 5% of people watched 5 or more films a week. This was surprising, as our target audience is targeted at the ages between 15-25. This is a particularly young age, suggesting that individuals in this age group are working or in some form of education, suggesting that watching 5 or more films a week is a lot to fit in. The third question that we asked our audience was what they find the most daunting. This is a very personal question, and is very subjective, as it's mainly based on opinion. The results ranged, from 55% choosing clowns, 11% ghosts, 21% supernatural and 13% serial killers. We were very pleased to see that clowns scored the highest total. We all felt that doing a clown horror would be successful, as it plays on the idea of childhood, and how positive things as a child, can now be seen as creepy and sinister.  We were shocked at the results revealed by the ghost selection, only scoring 11%. There are many ghost films out in the film industry, and have been very successful. This could suggest that the horror genre of ghosts may be becoming a slight bit out-dated within the contemporary generation. The location was a key question that we all agreed needed to be asked. As we are filming a trailer, it was imperative that we included a wide range of locations, to help keep the audience engaged and so that they understand that the film is not just set in one, ordinary place. We asked between for options: The woods, scoring just 11%, An alleyway, 25%, A house, 23% and The park 41%. We were pleased to see that our audience thought that the park and the house were the most popular. This is because these are our main locations that we want to use in our trailer, as clowns are commonly associated with children, and children usually play at the park. 

We also wanted to distinguish what type of horror film our audience liked the most. We have six options, each contributing to a different genre of horror ( gore, supernatural etc) The most popular film was Paranormal Activity, scoring a total of 33%. The least scariest film was drag me to hell scoring 1% with Cabin in the woods close behind with just 9%. These totaling's suggest that our audience are attracted to the more realistic side or horror, such as modern, american houses being haunted, rather than fake, bloody zombies eating people alive. This suggests that our audience prefer a more realistic side of horror, as they may feel that they can relate to it more. We wanted to find what kind of genre our audience prefer. After all, we want to make a film that they will enjoy, there would be no point producing a comedy trailer, if that's not what they enjoy watching. Fortunately, our audience preferred horror, scoring a total of 47%, with thriller close behind, 20% and right at the bottom, was comedy. This tells me that we are creating the right trailer for our target audience. . From researching horror target audiences from films such as IT, Insidious and The Devil Inside, it is clear that horror films attract younger audience as they want to seek an adrenaline rush and witness the brash excitement and thrill that a horror film can provide. For the title of our trailer, we wanted to have our audiences opinion. This is because we were all unsure on what we wanted to have as this was one thing that we couldn't agree on. "Jokes on you" scored the highest of 47% and "Joke" concluding the lowest of just 10%. This was an easy way to get our audiences opinions for the title of our trailer. After all, the name of a film is the first thing that the audience see's/hears, so we want our title to have a catching lingo to it, to help keep the audience engaged. We really like the name "Jokes on you". We feel that it is a clever way to incorporate the clown, as they stereo typically tell jokes. We feel that the title was a good way to give the audience a taster of what our film is about, without giving it all away. We also asked our audience whether or not they thought it was important to show the antagonist in the trailer. Sometimes leaving the antagonist out, can create this idea of mystery that can really entice the audience into the trailer. However, our results concluded that 87% of them wanted to see the antagonist, as it would give them a full taster of what the film is all about. The general public stated that they would prefer a film to be more realistic than surreal. This could be due to the genre being a horror as, they need to be relatable to provide the scare factor which they set out to achieve. If the trailer was surreal it would mean that the audience wouldn't believe or feel as if it could happen to them, which is the opposite response of what a horror film wants to do. Making our trailer realistic would, firstly attract our target audience (15-25 year old) due to it being relatable but secondly; due to what we found in our research into horror films as they are all very realistic and could happen to people. From these results we will be ensuring that our trailer is as realistic as possible.

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