Friday 28 October 2016

Mood Board

I decided to create a mood board for our trailer, as it helps to give a visual representation of our ideas for our trailer. Writing everything can sometimes get a bit confusing, so it was ideal for us to get together and get images together relating to the narrative of our trailer. 

The clown image exemplifies the basic plot and nature to our trailer. It resembles the antagonist that we have chosen, and how the antagonist is going to be presented in the trailer. We all feel that this mask is appropriate for our trailer, as we all feel that it has a very scary and creepy feel to it, due to the sharp and over exaggerated teeth and eyebrows. From researching a clowns appearance on other posts, we feel that this particular clown ask conforms to the horror look of a clown.

In a horror film, it is a generic convention to have a girl looking in the mirror, and have something pop up behind her. We want to use this technique in our trailer, as we feel that it is clever way to incorporate the clown into the three girls, and we feel that our target audience can really feel part of all the action. In addition, this also means that we can manipulate with our camera shots, to help make the trailer more engaging. 

I decided to add a phone into the mood board. Phones are a clever way to show communication between characters if they are not located in the same area. I feel that incorporating a mobile phone helps to add individuality to our trailer as well as a modern day twist. 

Adding a photograph of two girls walking home, helps to show the protagonist approach in our trailer. We want to film the girls walking home from school, as their characters are aged 17-18, so this would be a stereotypical thing that they would be doing. It also helps for our target audience to relate to it, as they too will be of a young age between 15-25. 

In the trailer are all going back to one of their houses to do homework and chill out. This again helps for our audience to relate to the trailer, as this is also a stereotypical thing that females in particular would be doing. This also means that we can change up the locations in our trailer to help show the whole films locations in a short amount of time. In addition, we can also add the clown into the house, which links to the film of Insidious, as the antagonist is also inside of the house too. 

In our trailer, we have all agreed that we want a scene where the clown is at the window. As it will be slightly dark when filming the trailer, we feel that having a brightly coloured figure at the window will be a shocking and scary image to have as well as creating a strong contrast. 

Using the prop of the balloon is a stereotypical media representation of a clown. Clowns usually hold balloons to lure in children, so we wanted to stick to this representation so the audience remain alarmed by the figure. In this photograph, the clown is in an alleyway by some garages, which we also want to use in our trailer. It helps to show a variation of locations in our trailer. 

Clowns are associated with entertainment -( an old fashioned approach, as they are now seen to have a stigma of a creepy presence.) Parks hold entertainment for kids, so we wanted to relate these together. We want to have a close up shot of the swing, swinging by itself. We feel that this will add a creepy twist to our trailer, and make the audience question "Why is the swing swinging on its own?"

Lastly, we want to film part of the trailer in a park. Similarly to the swings, parks attract children, and clowns are seen to entertain children, which would help to give a reason as to why the clown is there in the first place. We want to show long shots of the park, as well as close ups, so the audience get an over all feel of the creepy and ominous location. Filming a park at the evening time will also help to give this approach. 

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