Friday 21 October 2016

Extra Brainstorming, Equipment, name suggestions etc

For our trailer we will be using various film equipment and applications in order to achieve a successful and realistic film. We will be using Adobe Premiere, to edit our film. This is a software that allows you to be very creative with how you want your film to look. I feel this is better than using " Movie Maker" or " IMovie" as it has more complex sound systems, and better use of applications to use as well.  We will also be using photoshop. This will be used for our front cover of our film, as it has effective editing tools to help us edit our film effectively. To film our opening two minutes, we may use  a go-pro. We feel this is the best film camera to film with as the motion is really good on it. They are also easy to function, and have a long battery life which will be important if we are filming all day. Along with this, we will have a tri-pod. This will help us to film precisely, without any movement on still shots. Alternatively, we may just use an ordinary Nikon camera, as they are easy to function.

Film name suggestions:

"Jokes on you."- We feel that as our film features a clown, we can add a pun on the word "Jokes." Clowns are stereo typically known to tell jokes to children in order to make them laugh. The three girls in the trailer are also part of this, we were thinking that maybe one of the girls could betray one of their friends, so that the joke is literally on the other girls. 

" Clown"- We also had an idea of keeping a very simplistic name for our trailer. Having a short and snappy title can help to entice audiences as there is not much to go off just from the title of the film.  We decided not to call our trailer this, simply because it would give our film away too much. We want the clown in our trailer to be as mysterious as possible, by naming our film "Clown" it would simply tell the story without even watching the trailer. 

"Karma"-  Similar to the first name, we wanted to have the idea of getting revenge or your own back on someone else. Karma explains this as explicit as possible. Again, the monosyllabic word is short and snappy which helps to entice the audience. We didn't choose this title, as we felt that it was too ambiguous. We want our audience to have a true understanding of our trailer, and we thought the title "Karma" seems to vague. In addition to this, it didn't suit or fit the genre of our trailer. The title didn't sound enticing or intense to us, and therefore it is likley that this emotion wouldn't be generated with our audience either. 

" Three girls, one clown"- This was the last name idea that we had. We liked how the title almost seemed like a battle between the friends and a clown, which is a convention in horror films. The idea of 3 vs 1 seems an obvious winning, but we would manipulate this in our trailer. We didn't choose this name, as we felt that it was too tacky and almost laughable. Although clowns are an almost laughable figure, we want our audience to be gripped and on edge, not laughing at our trailer. 


From the name of the software, the application is made by "Adobe" which was founded in February 1982. The operating income of "Adobe" is $ 412 million, suggesting that it is a well known and successful company. Adobe Premiere Elements 10 allows you to have a much bigger and clearer timeline, this means that you can see your clips/pictures much more clearly so that you can see what's happening in your footage without having to play the video each time. The software also has much more effects than Movie Maker, such as the stabilizer effect, which allows you to keep shots still if they are moving or shaking when they are not meant to be. This will benefit us when making our trailer as we want to make our trailer look as professional as possible... However, this makes the process a lot more complicated as there is more techniques used resulting in the software being slower and more difficult to use. 

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