Tuesday 6 December 2016

Slogan Research- How can we apply this to our film?

 For our trailer, we were thinking about including a tag line to help keep our audiences engaged.  Slogan's help to give audiences a taster of what the film is about, without giving too much of it away. I looked at slogans regarding the horror genre, as that's the genre our trailer (Jokes on you) is going to be.

Black Christmas: 'If this movie doesn't make your skin crawl... it's on too tight!'
This automatically suggests something about cannibalism as it creates an image of the skin needing to be removed due to it being to tight. This reflects a chilling atmosphere to the audience as the thought of someone saying that would unnerve anyone. This could suggest that the film is a zombie like one which answers why the skin is too tight as they eat skin.

Psycho: ' Check in. Relax. Take a shower'
This film goes for a different approach as it the title of the film does not link with the slogan of the film. this slogan suggests the location of the film being some sort of motel or hotel due to the 'check in' part of the slogan. This slogan could be emphasising the iconic moment which happens within the film which would make the audience want to watch the film as this slogan creates an enigma due to the title not linking to the slogan.

Cloverfield: 'Something has found us'.
This could imply the antagonist of the film finding the protagonist, which give an inkling about the film. However due to the word 'Something' it suggests that this thing is not human due to not giving them gender. This could therefore be a alien/ supernatural film.

Halloween: 'The night HE came home'
An enigma is created just by using the noun 'HE', as no one knows who this character is. Having it in capital upper case letter suggests that this character has dominance and power within the film, which you should not mess with. This therefore suggests that 'HE' is the antagonist of the film. Using the word 'home' implies that it would be set in a neighbourhood which would be very relatable to the audience as they live in a neighbourhood.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: 'Who will survive and what will be left of them?'
In my opinion, this slogan is not my favourite due to the it dragging on a little too long and having not much continuity within the sentence. However, it does create an enigma on who will survive within the film. This slogan also justifies and links the the name of the film, 'massacre', which automatically suggests blood and gore will be packed within the film.

The Birds: '... and remember, the next scream you hear may be your own'
This slogan is from the film 'The Birds', which is very effective. It obviously suggests that there are going to be murders due to the word scream being used. However this phrase, to some extent, is aimed very much at the audience, which would make the audience feel a little fear as it makes them think the events within the film could happen to them.

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